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MT-CARDチームはMT card の最新 ソフトウェアV2.1をリリースしました。





MT-CARDチームはMT card の最新 ソフトウェアV2.1をリリースしました。

10月09日にMT-CARDチームはMT card の最新 ソフトウェアV2.1をリリースしました。

     The update brings the latest dump function and file conversion function. To update to Ver2.1, just transfer the latest launcher.dat to the SD card and replace the old one. Hardware version remains the same.

1.     Save file backup function. Backup 3DS game cartridge save to the SD card and the backup file is *.sav(flashcard mode).

2.     Restore save file function. Restore save file(*.sav) from SD card to the 3DS game cartridge.

3.    3DS game cartridge dump function. The dump rom file contains save file size and corresponding game cartridge ID. The rom file is stored in the SD card and the file name is *.3dz.

4.    File conversion (sav to zav). It is to convert save file from flashcard mode to 3DS cartridge mode. While converting, the ROM file (*.3dz) ID in the MicroSD card will be read. According to the ID  and the existing *.sav file, a new *.zav file will be generated in the MicroSD card. Attention:it will prompt to cover if there is an existing file with the same name.

5.    File conversion (zav to sav). It is to convert save file from 3DS cartridge mode to flashcard mode. While converting, the programme reads the rom file (*.3ds or *.3dz) which is in the MicroSD card, not to read the ID. According to the existing *.zav file, a new *.sav file will be generated in the MicroSD card.  Attention:it will prompt to cover if there is an existing file with the same name.


About the new features:

1.    A  variety  of  encryption  methods  are  used in the existing savegame.  When the encryption method is Ver6.0, “Backup 3DS Savegame” file is *.zav. This save file can be used in flashcard, and it is online supported, it can also be restored to the original game card(card A to card A)

2.    If the encryption method is not Ver6.0, the backup file is *.sav. This save file can be used in flashcard, it can also be restored to the 3DS game cartridges(same games), of any ID.(Card A to Card A/Card A to Card B). Or via the Sav to Zav function, to generate a new *.zav file. It is online supported after conversion.

3.    As the previous ROM files do not contain the save file information, all the generated save file size is 512K. If the actual game save file is 128k, we can’t “Restore 3DS Savegame” 512K save file to 3DS game cartridge. To solve this problem, our dump ROM files contain the save file information, and all the save files can be restored to 3DS game cartridge.

4.    When Sav to Zav function works, the ROM file being read must contain ID information.





 MT card+3dsv4.1~4.5本体






No Name Ninja
