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PS3向け光学ドライブエミュレータCOBRA ODE5.30Aもう更新しました





PS3向け光学ドライブエミュレータCOBRA ODE5.30Aもう更新しました

PS3向け光学ドライブエミュレータCOBRA ODE(5.30Aフル版)

Team Cobraが、PS3の光学ドライブエミュレータCobra ODEのファームウェアアップデートCobra ODE Firmware v2.2をリリースしていました。PS3の最新ファームウェアであるv4.60に対応し、4Kモデルだけでなく全モデルをサポートできるようになります。ただし、PS3 Super Slimと呼ばれる4Kモデル以外に関してはCobra DMC という別部品の購入が必要になります。Cobra DMCは今後のCobra ODEには同梱される予定です。その他USB読み込み速度の40%高速化や、ディスクスワップの成功率改善、PS1ゲームの自動リージョンパッチ機能追加も大きな変更点です。


We are happy to release the 2.2 update for all Cobra versions including the 5.1B and 5.3A PCB revisions V5.x boards, we have increased USB read speeds by 40%* and further improved the success rate of swapping discs for the bypass.

Furthermore, we have added support for 4.60 ofw bypass and new bypass tools (applicable to all Cobra ODE versions v3.x, 4.x and 5.x)

We have also added a another nice features, auto region patching for psx games.

Various fixes for stability and configuration have been added, please refer to the changelog in the mcu update folder.

V5.30A users please note that a bug has been fixed in the 2.1 firmware which caused ISO's not to load if the drive door was not toggled open and then closed. Please ensure you update to the 2.2 Cobra ODE fw asap.

We have now successfully bypassed 4.60 ofw on older PS3 consoles (PATA, SATA FAT, 2k, 2k5 and 3k models). An additional hardware module (Cobra DMC) is required and will be sold bundled with 5.10B or 5.3A versions of the Cobra ODE.

The Cobra DMC hardware module also supports in tradition with Cobra philosophy all previous versions of the Cobra ODE (V3.x and 4.x) hardware and may be purchased from your local reseller soon.

Resellers may contact us at: sales@team-cobra-ode.com to order the additional Cobra DMC hardware modules.

The cobra 2.3 firmware will be released simultaneously with release of the DMC hardware module.

Photo's of the Cobra DMC will follow next week.

NOTE: Cobra ODE v3.x and 4.x users already on 2.1 firmware can ignore the FPGA update files.

PS3向け光学ドライブエミュレータCOBRA ODE5.30Aを購入したい人ははやくndswayz.comへ購入しましょう~~今ただ12600円です。






No Name Ninja
